Oscar Trujillo

About Oscar Trujillo

I am an educator. I work with children, youth, adults and elders in movement, dance and theatre arts towards personal and community change. I also perform on stages and streets all over the place. I am a certified 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher and certified Anya, Mods and Semi Teacher through Studio Anya. Studio Anya is my space for self challenge, building discernment, accessing ease, building a complex sense of safety in the world and learning inside myself and in supportive community.

Find the bones, Find yourself

We all have bones. One hand has 27. A foot has 26. The legs have 4 each. Today we’ll focus on hands, feet, and legs for a quick 5 step sequence of exercises to center yourself and wake up vibrance in mind and body. Try Standing or seated.
Friction and Namaste Push-Pull with the hands:
Place hands together, palm centers touching. Now, [...]

By |March 24th, 2014|AUM on the GO!|0 Comments

Homework with Oscar: Soft Strong Supine Empty

In the ANYA system there are many techniques that can be used to help tease apart how we as individuals go about creating a calm mind and strong body. One of the core techniques or unconscious utilities is called Emptying. Emptying is associated with the hips, specifically the flesh between the naval and the pubic bone. Activating the breath and [...]

By |February 13th, 2014|AUM on the GO!|0 Comments

Homework with Oscar Assignment 4: Many Chins Variations

Many chins is one of Anya’s signature purposeful fidgets. It can look silly and feel even weirder yet it is so good at bringing all those little bones in the skull, face, and neck into alignment with each other and the entire spine, resulting in a sense of ease, whole body integration and more mobility in the hips.

Below are three [...]

By |December 18th, 2013|AUM on the GO!|0 Comments

Homework with Oscar Assignment 3: Sitting Figure 8s with Sassy shoulders

In today’s homework take advantage of a little bit of your seated time. Whether you are at the table eating dinner, stuck in a cab or spending a moment on the toilet you have an opportunity to do some figure eights.

Figure eights can be helpful in mobilizing the hips, protecting the spine and giving yourself a gentle internal massage. In [...]

By |November 22nd, 2013|AUM on the GO!|0 Comments

Homework with Oscar Assignment 2: Frictioning with Echo

Fall is here and winter is coming. It may be in the 80's but I can already feel the cold on its way. Friction your hands for mind body focus and warmth.

Bring hands together at sternum, palms touching and fingers pointing North. Now, rub hands up and down against each other with gentle pressure. Do this for a self count [...]

By |October 21st, 2013|Anya Ambassadors|0 Comments

Homework with Oscar: Assignment 1

Assignment 1:
Hello lovely people. Today’s star is Centerline (CL). Centerline is an unconscious utility or Anya technique I love because a little goes a long way. Whether you are at a desk, standing in line at the grocery or getting into bed for the night, CL can help you protect your spine and ease pain residing in over used or unsafely used joints.

To [...]

By |September 23rd, 2013|AUM on the GO!|0 Comments