
About Sarah Newett

Sarah Sadie Newett is a true blue lover of movement. Whether she’s practicing yoga, pilates, dance or aerial arts she feels at home. She’s lived in New York for nearly three years and has had the privilege of studying extensively with Courtney in the AUM curriculum. These studies have deepened her understanding of movement as a whole and helped further her dance career in many ways. She teaches signature classes as well as pilates and yoga privates and semi privates. Both the teacher and student role appeal to her enormously and she delights in them at her second home, Studio Anya.

The Notion of Work through Curriculum AUM

I worked hard. Anyone who works as hard as I did can achieve the same results.

Johann Bach said this first quote, but if I didn’t know any better it could have just as easily been my dad. His passion for running, and running fast – lies second only to his passion for family. In spite of his incredible list of [...]

By |September 25th, 2013|Anya Ambassadors|0 Comments

Aha is a Teacher’s Ta Da!

A dear friend once told me that the easiest way to learn is to teach others. Truth be told when asked what I do for a living I often want to answer, ‘I’m a full time student’ but I realize this doesn’t exactly compute. I spend much of my days teaching private yoga and pilates classes – surely I should answer ‘I’m a teacher.’ In all honesty I never learn as much as when I see the ‘aha!’ moment in a student’s eye and know that what I’m working to convey is known and felt and much like the Velveteen Rabbit – made real. [...]

By |July 17th, 2012|Anya Ambassadors|2 Comments

Mind Games for the Body (the good kind!)

In nearly three years of study with Courtney in the AUM curriculum I have learned many, many lessons. I think the most important one I've learned is what a 'mind body connection' actually means. Sometimes we know things in our minds, other times in our bodies, and we know the most sacred things in our hearts.  Like kids in a sandbox, things go best when all of these forces know how to play nice nice.  [...]

By |June 12th, 2012|Anya Ambassadors|5 Comments