
About T'ai Jamar Hanna

What happens when two-southern get-away/hippies/activists move out to the wild, wild west, become healers and start a family? A redhead child is born in New Mexico, under an autumn sky. T’ai Jamar Hanna is a performer, poet, producer, peacemaker and curious spirit who has found her home in NYC. As Thai Yoga Massage practitioner and Yoga Therapist, T’ai Jamar has integrated a lifetime of athleticism, dance, and a passionate calling to the healing arts. She provides public and private instruction in meditation, breath, movement, and Thai Massage. Since 1998, she has produced, coordinated, and managed multi-media events in fashion, music, and dance. She holds a Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Management from The New School University, 2012. She sits on the Board of Directors for Organic Magnetics and is a consultant for the Urban Yoga Foundation House. When she is not writing, exploring, or collaborating; you can find her bike riding, playing soccer or walking her dog Chula in Prospect Park.


I laid still, in child's pose, after 60 minutes of movement...and still there was that echo, a witness to all that I had done. I felt like I was on a boat--moving softly, gently, rhythmically. Where am I? Can I resurface to life and face a break-up, a hurricane, a snow storm, and even more?


By |January 9th, 2013|Anya Ambassadors|0 Comments

Of My Body

Oh Anya, I was sitting in a library minutes before arriving for the weekly session, studying medical terminology. I wished for a bit more time with the books but my hips were quite sore from the previous three-day Thai massage training I had led and mentally I needed the "workout" knowing that it might be the one and only time of the week that I would be led through the traversing wonders of my bodies: physical, mental, and spiritual.

By |November 28th, 2012|Anya Ambassadors|0 Comments

Hip Pain

I had been looking forward to the semi-private Pilates session for weeks. I let Courtney know that I had pain deep in my hip. She warned me that it might get temporarily worse/magnified. I was willing because her subtext was, "the work will be worth it."


By |November 7th, 2012|Anya Ambassadors|0 Comments

Ground down to Rise Up

First, I look at my feet. I witness my feet.  How do I prove to myself that I have feet, and that I can use them to ground me when I need them?  I scan and I sketch the foot with my outside eye so that I internalize this existential query and know that I have feet to ground into the Earth.  In order to bring this experience into the body, ANYA offers five exercises on the floor.

By |July 6th, 2012|Anya Ambassadors|0 Comments

Living in the Hands

Enlivening the Hands: I place the palm centers of my hands together. I create a module of interest. I itemize the points of interest: sole centers, tips, base of fingers. I start to friction the namaste shape my hands make, creating heat and energy.  [...]

By |June 20th, 2012|Anya Ambassadors|5 Comments

the universe provides

this will be my little corner of universe where i'll traverse the teachings of centuries and days old. where i'll blend the stillness i find in motion and the inspiration i derive from Anya. i'll find a way to play with the vernaculars of said AUM curriculum (though i really don't want this to be a cerebral provocation)-- this is  about a journey within and without.


By |June 7th, 2012|Anya Ambassadors|0 Comments