Unconscious Utilities

Like invisible inscriptions etched within each UnitUnconscious Utilities are the tangible tools of the intangible realm, the micro- movers of the macro-migration, and the crystallizing particles of the eternal waves.  Also called “blueprinting techniques” these 66 elemental messengers call to action the invisible realm bringing to life the world within worlds.

Tapping into source and aligning with the forces of nature requires more than just going through (even the best of) motions. Even the most devoted practitioner isn’t guaranteed to plug into the unified field. Sure, we get credit for "showing up" but it's a whole other thing when we are fully present too. The real magic comes when traveling the ethers is as familiar as the street beneath our feet.

As the Nobel Prize winning Indian Poet, Rabindranath Tagore proclaims: “There is a point where in the mystery of existence contradictions meet; where movement is not at all movement and stillness is not at all stillness; where the idea and the form, the within and the without; where infinite becomes finite, yet not.” – the Unconscious Utilities amplify and materialize the mystery of existence or what Curriculum AUM calls The Oneness Principles.

(Explore the Oneness Principles at a glance, but take your time unearthing the 66 Unconscious Utilities. Learn them faculty by faculty as they are already wired within the Soul. Flip the switches on, turn the glitches off.  Step by step, we'll ignite the  potential of humankind and make miracles happen beyond our wildest dreams.)

The Oness Principles (at a Glance)

Be curious – get interested in themes that inspire! (F1, Law of Magnetism) Be alert – start noticing the details that make moments come alive and point to the magic all around.  (F2, Law of Consciousness) Be discerning – welcome uniqueness and cultivate appreciation for diversity among us. (F3, Law of Polarities)  Be reflective -- also celebrate sameness even when it’s tough to accept. (F4, Law of Mutuality) Be responsive – invite all the elements to give and receive, share stories and learn to dance. (F5-12, Law of Reciprocity) Be connected– sponsor whole collaborations to illuminate meaningful coincidences in space and time. (F13, Law of Synchronicity) Be receptive – open to the forces of nature, plug into source and emanate the light.  (F14, Law of Coalescence) Be fierce, order what’s needed (from many dimensions) to transmute obstacles into opportunities. (F15, Law of Manifest) Be real- pattern positive change into the fabric of day-to day living. (F16 & 17, Law of Integration) Be strategic – patience and persistence are key ingredients in making miracles happen over time. (F18 & 19, Law of Incremental Immersion) Be Beautiful, because it's the truth. Remember the common core is love.  (F20-22, L.aw O.f V.astness E.xpressing)