
The S.ensitively A.ware G.ently E.volving Process

Take a moment to simply notice, acknowledge the isness (f1). Now, collect some data, as a witness (f2) then interpret & catalogue this data to define (f3) &  conceptualize (f4) IT as a theory to be explored I.n T.ime through direct experience (f5). Rectify falsehoods between theory and experience to clarify (f6) a genuine template to pattern (f7) beliefs and shape (f8) nuances.  Next, shift (f9) towards simplicity to sense (f10) “Life as a parable: Each day a new lesson” and purposefully transition (f11) obstacles into opportunities.  Then, interface (f12) the personal with the universal to synchronize (f13) meaningful coincidences and calibrate (f14) higher frequencies of beingIncrementally release (f15) fear and realize (f16) strengths to essentialize (f17) goodness in all the doing.  More and more, strive each day to empathize  (f18) with others and to activelysurrender  (f19) to Grace. All along trust in the mysterious forces working tirelessly to process (f20) and inspire (f21) wisdom and evolve (f22) the heart of humanity in UNITS of change.