Faculty 1: Units

"The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man." -Euripides


Take a moment to simply notice...

Acknowledging means to recognize the reality of something. In Buddhism this is called naming the “isness” or “suchness” which may exist both in the inner and outer environment. The state erroneously termed “ignorance is bliss” really means we are unconsciously incompetent without the recourse to address change. In contrast, acknowledgment brings things to our consciousness, it literally brings stuff up – so that we can see it and make choices with regard to the full picture.

For example, we sense there is an “elephant” in the room or notice that one shoulder is higher than the other and we, simply, admit this to be true. It’s a way to collect data about the perceived actuality of our existence. Since we all will see, feel, hear, taste, know the constituents of experience in varied ways, acknowledging the details in any given scenario is a phenomenological endeavor.

To validate someone’s feelings, for example, when they differ from our own can stretch our levels of appreciation about what makes sense and open whole new perspectives on life. In this capacity, the cultivation of temperance is the earned reward of this heightened sensitivity and the first step in understanding the healing role of empathy.

As a purposeful beginning in the change process, acknowledgment engenders an enduring “Gratitude Attitude” or the ability to stay fully present in challenging moments. Different than ‘it is what it is” kind of thinking, acknowledgement is related to accountability, which in turn assumes a willingness to own our stuff. Acknowledgment may be the opposite of ignorance but it’s the true way to achieve bliss.

Polarity Pair: Push - Pull, Micro - Macro