Faculty 4: Units
Conceptualize IT (I.lluminated T.ruth) (f4)
"Concepts, like individuals, have their histories and are just as incapable of withstanding the ravages of time as are individuals. But in and through all this they retain a kind of homesickness for the scenes of their childhood." -Soren Kierkegaard
Concepts are files we maintain to describe, explain and represent notions about all kinds of themes. How we build and tend to these files reflects our disposition on many levels as well as indicates the environmental factors at play in our cognitive development. While an idea is most salient when it spontaneously springs from direct experience, it is also possible to create concepts from "book" knowledge. Transcendental idealist, G. W. F. Hegel explains, "We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit, and just as little have we any need to be professionals to acquire knowledge of universal interest." In this Hegelian light, Curriculum Aum, considers conceptualizing, as a key component of understanding I.T. through a systematic process called a.pplied n.eo y.ogic a.wareness.
The m.ental i.nstrument n.egotiating d.ata informs the b.undles o.f d.ynamic y.in/y.ang about phenomenological relationships and reality. This kinetic conversation creates the movement of energy along a series of pathways to shape, structure, signify and embed the essence of this exchange in a framework of ideas. Over time, these ideas crystallize as paradigmatic propositions and create a data base of consciousness to shape a perceptual lens.
Like human DNA, concepts are the building blocks of perception and stretch on endlessly in every cell of our bodies. Each concept systematizes a personal statement or judgment, in this way, our body language speaks our minds.The pioneering Soviet psychologist, Lev Vygotsky, considered concepts to be like tools, "for the acquisition of many specialized abilities for thinking about a variety of things." We agree emphatically with Vygotsky's statement but also focus on how this specialized ability for thinking affects how we feel and how we move in the world around us.
In Faculty 4, we empower the Philosopher to consciously compose files about center through an experiential investigation of key elements based in spatial symmetry. First, we make a module of interest on the center of gravity, we choose points of interest like the sit bones and the centerline of the body, and through movement, we ask pragmatic questions to engage our sensory experience in the collection and interpretation of core data. In a lab style setting, we cultivate a compendium of feelings based on the here and now exploration of a decision-making model. As Hegel proposes, "Truth in philosophy means that concept and external reality correspond" -- the practice of conceptualizing in Curriculum Aum paves the way for this idea to fruition as r.eality e.xisting a.s l.ove.
Faculty 4 Sutranym:
Yoga! Qualify the meaning, Stay in the Now.
- Yoga: Y.our O.mly G.ood A.nswer
- Stay: S.top T.o A.pply Y.oga
- Now: N.otice O.ne's W.hereabouts