Faculty 6: Atmatype

The Warrior

Atmatype Anthem: I know how to appreciate both sides in light of center.
DewBee Tales: The Inner Story

 Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn’t, it is of no use.” - Carlos Castaneda

Beginning in Faculty 5, The Inner Story initiates the exploration of how the unconscious belief system influences the subconscious realm. For example, in Faculty 5, The Seeker investigates core theories to question accuracy and authenticity. When a core theory (s) no longer makes sense, The Warrior in Faculty 6 acts as the elected negotiator.

When incongruity festers in the spaces between theory and reality and the numbers just don't add up, The Warrior is the courageous character who takes a stand and restores I.lluminating T.ruth as R.eality E.xisting A.s L.ove. The Warrior defends a way of being to uphold personal and collective justice and in this light, serves as an Ambassador of (the) L.aw O.f V.astness E.xpressing.

As a Guardian of Truth, The Warrior benefits from both major texts of yoga to create a well-rounded code of honor or skill -in -action. The Warrior cultivates Ahimsa (non-violence) from Patanjali's sutras, an exacting blueprint for the discipline of Yoga. This is seemingly in contrast to The Baghavad Gita, from which the Warrior cultivates the art of war (a compelling allegory that Gandhi describes as "the battle that goes on within each individual heart”).

At first glance, it's difficult to reconcile these oppositional themes but upon keen investigation it becomes clear that each serves the common goal of Self-realization. The Sutras teach discretion (how to discern the way of life that is worthy to defend) and The Gita inspires devotion (how to boldly surrender to a divine course of action). Together, their message represents what Curriculum Aum calls "willfull willingness."  Gandhi's description of truth sheds further light on this paradoxical equation:

...Truth alone will endure; all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time....What may appear as truth to one person will often appear as untruth to another person.  But that need not worry the seeker...Truth and untruth often co-exist; good and evil often are found together....Use truth as your anvil, nonviolence as your hammer and anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with nonviolence, reject it ...Truth is the first to be sought for, and Beauty and Goodness will then be added unto you....An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it....Truth without humility would be an arrogant caricature...

While fighting, winning, and conquering do not make the Warrior, there are times that may call for each one. For example, fighting injustice, winning liberty or conquering oppression all require one of those actions. Abraham Joshua Heschel, the former civil rights activist and Jewish theologian, suggests, "Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; and the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."

While we agree with Rabbi Heschel, we would also contend that a sense of integrity grows with the ability to say yes to oneself as well. At the end of the day, no matter the battlefield, The Warrior is a stealth decision maker who leads from the heart with a clear-abiding intention and emerges as a crusader for peace.



Image Description

A bird of prey, known as the chief of all the winged creatures, flies so high and soars with ease—

Transcending grace, Eagles travel hundreds of miles in migration before resting in the trees.

Over the centuries, a national symbol for leadership, from Babylon to Egypt to Rome and the United States—

Sharp talons, fierce hooked beak, expansive wings and yellow eyes characterize the majestic Eagle’s traits.

The Greek God, Zeus shape shifted as the eagle, to rule the world and cast thunder bolts like a knife--

But to the Ancient Egyptians, The eagle was the messenger of the sun and a symbol of eternal life.

Native Americans regard the Eagle as a symbol for sublime strength and perspicacity--

While many Shamans believe the Eagle to represent spiritual will, discipline and tenacity

All in all, it’s clear to see why the Eagle represents the Warrior in Curriculum Aum

Wings to protect the sky, quintessential courage, best portrayed in this Native American Poem:

May you have the strength
Of eagles' wings,
The faith and courage to
Fly to new heights,
And the wisdom
Of the universe
To carry you there.




The Number 6

Like the number 6, The courage of the Warrior expands beyond time, multiplied by itself, appearing again and again til Ad infinitum yields sublime.

In the Hebrew Alphabet, the sixth letter vav is shaped like a hook and often used in terms of connection, translated simply as and. The number six symbolizes combat, labor, love and beauty: all parts brought together in the whole, like stringing together each grain of sand.

So many elements to weave as one begin in the body to build an infrastructure for enlightenment and grace; Practice Pilates' six principles, like precision, breath, concentration and flow to create a home base.

But also look beyond to Venus, the sixth largest planet and the second closest to the sun, considered the star of Bethlehem with that magical glow. Named after Venus, the Roman Goddess who spread love and beauty like an ambassador of peace to all four cardinal points plus above as below.

Seek wisdom everywhere, like The Star of David's 6 points, made of two stratified triangles, one up and one down -- A powerful symbol of strength, in Judaism, the Magen David or the "shield of David" earned the King of Israel's Crown.

Be careful along the path, as Merkabah mysticism receives mixed reviews, Ezekiel describes it as the Divine Chariot while others admonish it's dangerous flight; in matters of ascension, all ways seek within, find the sacrum, where six orange petals symbolize the swadhistana chakra to make a wheel of light.

Keep it simple, take comfort in the mystery, marvel at the beauty and wisdom of snow flakes and beehives as a cosmic "hexagonal" play, and take the time to study sacred works like the Buddhist wheel of life, representing Six States of Existence to map out "the way".

Numerological Pairings:
Faculty 6: The Warrior, I know how to appreciate both sides in light of center.
Faculty 15: The Healer,  in ways that liberate others along their paths 





Skill in action, The Warrior champions temperance as an honorable player in all the world's a stage --

Red means many things in different cultures, from love and purity to passion, vitality, violence and rage.

Representing strong emotions, symbolizing the root of existence at the Muladhara and in our blood --
A symbol of the sun and the fire that ignites Shakti's rising potential, like the purest lotus blossom in the mud.

Beauty at it's finest as the highest arc of the rainbow, perfectly explains why Islamic, Chinese and Hindu brides traditionally wear red --

Also why some statues of Buddhist deities are often painted in red as the ‘bindi’ between the brows on a married Hindu woman's forehead.

For the real red carpet treatment, according to Feng Shui, paint the front door red to invite prosperity and love --

But don't hang a red flag, as the meaning is totally different, warning of danger and the threat for push comes to shove.

As the wise Confucius says, "When anger rises, think of the consequences", oh but Master Sage, that's tough when we see red!

What if, instead, we imagined a delicate little lady bug, the sun setting at the horizon or fields of red poppies dancing in our head?





Metabolic stimulant and overall tonifier, Cedarwood clears away negativity, promotes clarity and relieves tension of all kind.

It's also an excellent sedative - known for it's meditative properties to support adrenal function to purify the body and calm the mind.

Yoga is salve for Warriors, to achieve equipoise, an empty vessel, to seek balance between stimulation and calm.
The Egyptians considered the body as the home of the spirit, too,  and used Cedarwood to preserve and embalm.

A most sacred symbol from the Garden of Eden, Cedarwood, tree of life, has powerful limbs, tiny flowers and a fragrance for faith

Used as ceremonial incense, many temples and churches revere its grounding scent to heal the limbic system and overcome wraith.

A reputation for strength and decay-resistance, a preferred wood for the architecture of palaces and Temples like Solomon.

Thought by the Ancients that Cedarwood can stimulate the pineal gland, the home of the third eye as the gateway to Brahman.
