Today I witnessed one of the most beautiful things on seventh avenue. A blind woman was walking towards me looking very alarmed. Her walking stick percussively beating the pavement in a frantic effort to clarify her whereabouts. She needed verification. Some sort of tangible feedback that she was on solid ground. Moments later, another woman approached to help her --- saying in a clear voice "I am here". She gently touched her shoulder and in an instant, the blind woman's face changed from panic to joy. It was obvious that the two women were old friends and trusted each other immensely.

In a NYC minute, I witnessed a powerful metamorphosis. Those three words: "I - am - here" combined with loving touch delivered immediate comfort and relief. I couldn't help but believe that this vignette was a "sign post". One of those synchronicity reminders to highlight the importance of touch and sound in the healing process. Its as if the Universe was speaking directly to me: When life gets dark and you have to walk by faith alone, get in touch with familiar guides, all around. Stay open. Know you are never alone.