"To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world."

- Rudolph Steiner

Our Purpose

To work hand in hand with Studio Anya and Project Posture as a digital forum and trustworthy resource for an Intuitive Evolution!  The Sagebook links together many spheres of influence to reveal beauty, wisdom and the magic of humanity across the ages.

Unity is the goal and the celebration of uniqueness paves "the way" there.

We may be different you and I, but, we also share a lot in common. The Sagebook provides an online platform for getting in touch with the mystery that moves us (each in our own expression). This process is one of personal discovery and meant to be shared. The Sagebook invites people from all over the world to join A. U.niversal M.ovement (AUM) towards positive change and healing.