Enlivening the Hands: I place the palm centers of my hands together. I create a module of interest. I itemize the points of interest: sole centers, tips, base of fingers. I start to friction the namaste shape my hands make, creating heat and energy. I am curious and tuned into the sound; it brings my attention into a focused gaze (in sanskrit, we call this drishti). I pay careful attention to the speed, of each part, the song of two-becoming-one. I pause to bring a push/pull dynamic into play. As I push to unify, I pull to create opposition and I stare. I shake it up in a conscious fidget, remaining present in my hands. It is here I build rapport with myself, eye contact follows my hands in a pyramid of movement, watching with great awareness, my hands float up and come down, back to my heart. I am fascinated with the subject matter. I sit. With palms open, resting on each knee, a mudra of giving and receiving, acknowledging the life of the hands.
"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close." ~Pablo Neruda
Written by T'ai Jamar Hanna
Body Banter
Pablo…………I understand.
he is so universal, yet so specifically speaking to an individual experience. powerful.
I must admit i like hearing about other pelope’s resolutions / especially my friends’ones who always start by Oh well anyway this year i won’t have any resolutions. But i’d like to _ _ _ ( quit smoking , start the gym and so on) , haha!I’m tempted to keep mine secret in case i fail or change my mind, but resolutions are made to tell (and to fail a bit sometimes), aren’t they?I’d like to blog more, and offer new clothes to my blog. Maybe do some exercise, kung fu would be great, or bikram yoga. And more than anything, my goal is: To bring protection (or the feeling of it) to myself (instead of relying on others for that). Which means find myself a job with more money, more travels, and more creativity in it.To all the beautiful resolutions in the world, those who fly away and end up wandering around far away stars, and those who stick to our feet and follow us no matter what *clink*
Great post! I?m just starting out in cmoumnity management/marketing media and trying to learn how to do it well resources like this article are incredibly helpful. As our company is based in the US, it?s all a bit new to us. The example above is something that I worry about as well, how to show your own genuine enthusiasm and share the fact that your product is useful in that case
Thanks for the feedback.You will prbobaly find that giving video feedback will seem to take longer in the beginning, but once you have a system for saving the video, uploading it, and sharing it with a particular student, it gets much easier. Most importantly, even if marking an assignment with video feedback does take longer, the amount of useful feedback you can give is far greater than anything you could write with a pen in a short amount of time.I would be happy to hear how it goes for you. Keep me posted!