1-10 Minute Instructionals



Faculty 19 Exercises for Anya.  Practice Namaste.
Length: 1:01

Seated Meditation


Seated Meditation
Faculty 18 Exercises for Anya.  Practice Seated Meditation.
Length: 0:20

Breathing & Assimilating


Breathing & Assimilating
Faculty 17 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Breathing & Assimilating.
Length: 2:06

Bridge Pose with Percussive Breathing


Bridge Pose with Percussive Breathing
Faculty 16 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Bridge Pose with Percussive Breathing.
Length: 3:37

Crossover Rotations


Crossover Rotations
Faculty 15 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Crossover Rotations.
Length: 3:37

Single Knees to Chest Pose


Single Knees to Chest Pose
Faculty 14 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Single Knees to Chest Pose.
Length: 2:05

Shoulder Stand


Shoulder Stand
Faculty 13 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do a Shoulder Stand.
Length: 3:37

Yoga Mudra Pose


Yoga Mudra Pose
Faculty 12 Exercises for Anya.  Learn Yoga Mudra Pose.
Length: 1:13

Pigeon Pose


Pigeon Pose
Faculty 11 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Pigeon Pose.
Length: 0:48

Thread the Needle Pose


Thread the Needle Pose
Faculty 10 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Thread the Needle Pose.
Length: 1:37

Dancer Pose


Dancer Pose
Faculty 9 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Dancer Pose.
Length: 1:16

Modified Split


Modified Split
Faculty 8 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Modified Split.
Length: 1:13

Yoga Push Ups, Child’s Pose Arm Lifts


Yoga Push Ups, Child's Pose Arm Lifts
Faculty 7 Exercises for Anya.  Learn Yoga Push Ups and Child's Pose Arm Lifts.
Length: 2:42

Warrior 3, Airplane, Triangle, Extended Angle Pose


Warrior 3, Airplane, Triangle, Extended Angle Pose
Faculty 6 Exercises for Anya.  Learn this combination of Warrior 3, Airplane, Triangle and Extended Angle Pose.
Length: 3:33

Chair Pose with Rotation


Chair Pose with Rotation
Faculty 5 Exercises for Anya.  Learn Chair Pose with rotation.
Length: 2:18

Warrior 1 & 2


Warrior 1 & 2
Faculty 4 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to do Warrior 1 and 2.
Length: 1:57

Runner’s Lunge & Crescent Lunge


Runner's Lunge & Crescent Lunge
Faculty 3 Exercises for Anya.  Learn how to achieve Runner's Lunge and Crescent Lunge.
Length: 1:57

The Grounding Template


The Grounding Template
Faculty 2 Exercises for Anya.  Learn the full Anya Grounding Template.
Length: 3:43

Child’s Pose, All 4s, Inverted V Pose


Child's Pose, All 4s, Inverted V Pose
Faculty 1 Exercises for Anya.  Learn Child's Pose, Al Fours, and Inverted V Pose.
Length: 2:53

Yielding Exercises


Yielding Exercises
Faculty 19 Exercises for Lila.  Learn these yielding exercises and anoint the hands.
Length: 4:33

Translating Exercises


Translating Exercises
Faculty 18 Exercises for Lila.  Learn these translating exercises and model the stature.
Length: 2:57

Phrasing Exercises


Phrasing Exercises
Faculty 17 Exercises for Lila.  Learn these phrasing exercises and express the breath.
Length: 4:00

Embodying Exercises


Embodying Exercises
Faculty 16 Exercises for Lila.  Learn these embodying exercises and action the poses.
Length: 4:15

Liberating Exercises


Liberating Exercises
Faculty 15 Exercises for Lila.  Learn these generating exercises and engage the inner power.
Length: 5:24

Generating Exercises


Generating Exercises
Faculty 14 Exercises for Lila.  Learn these generating exercises and practice oxygenating the viscera.
Length: 5:25

Integrating Exercises


Integrating Exercises
Faculty 13 Exercises for Lila.  Learn these integrating exercises and practice nourishing the spine.
Length: 4:23

Envisioning Exercises


Envisioning Exercises
Faculty 12 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these envisioning exercises and practice connecting to the crown.
Length: 6:33

Stretching Exercises


Stretching Exercises
Faculty 11 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these stretching exercises and focus on expanding the brow.
Length: 4:06

Finessing Exercises


Finessing Exercises
Faculty 10 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these finessing exercises and practice resting the eyes and ears.
Length: 3:17

Extending Exercises


Extending Exercises
Faculty 9 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these extending exercises and practice opening the base of the skull.

Elongating Exercises


Elongating Exercises
Faculty 8 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these elongating exercises to practice lengthening the neck and softening the jaw.
Length: 6:47

Planking Exercises


Planking Exercises
Faculty 7 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these planking exercises and practice supporting the arms.
Length: 5:33

Tonifying Exercises


Tonifying Exercises
Faculty 6 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these tonifying exercises and practice organizing the shoulders.
Length: 7:19

Cross Over Exercises


Cross Over Exercises
Faculty 5 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these cross over exercises and practice engaging the ribs.
Length: 6:50

Centering Exercises


Centering Exercises
Faculty 4 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these centering exercises and practice stabilizing the hips.
Length: 6:53

Mobilizing Exercises


Mobilizing Exercises
Faculty 3 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these mobilizing exercises and practice individuating the legs.
Length: 5:05

Bridging Exercises


Bridging Exercises
Faculty 2 Exercises for Mods.  Learn these bridging exercises and practice grounding the feet.
Length: 5:11

Invoking Exercises


Invoking Exercises
Faculty 1 Exercises for Mods.  Learn the invoking exercises and practice enlivening the hands.
Length: 3:51