Charles Darwin
Born February 12, 1809 | Died April 19, 1882
English Naturalist who documented Evolution & Natural Selection
Famous Quotes:
“If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week.”
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
“Intelligence is based on how efficient a species became at doing the things they need to survive.”
“I love fools’ experiments. I am always making them.”
"Nothing before had ever made me thoroughly realize, though I had read various scientific books, that science consists in grouping facts so that general laws or conclusions may be drawn from them."
“Intelligence is based on how efficient a species became at doing the things they need to survive.”
“I love fools’ experiments. I am always making them.”
"Nothing before had ever made me thoroughly realize, though I had read various scientific books, that science consists in grouping facts so that general laws or conclusions may be drawn from them."